43 results:

TRUST in partnerships. A close collaboration with medical professionals based on mutual trust is a cornerstone of our success. We benefit from the experience of the surgeons who use our…  
LINK Endo-Model
Features of LINK Endo-Model – W* The modular intracondylar total knee prosthesis, Endo-Model – W*, is an addition to the Endo-Model Knee Prosthesis.   Sizes: 3 different sizes for…  
FOR PATIENTS FOR PROFESSIONALS Development, materials, production – there are many factors that contribute to the quality and durability of a prosthetic joint. We have them all firmly in…  
Textmedia Test
bSIDE TEXT, RIGHT - For all of us, retaining our mobility is essential. In many ways, it is key to leading an independent, active life. That’s why we at LINK are driven by the goal of enabling…  
Cemented Acetabular Cup System
FC Pfanne Lubinus-Pfanne DOWNLOAD Sources L. Claes, P. Kirschner, C. Perka und M. Rudert, AE-Manual der Endoprothetik - Hüfte und Hüftrevision, Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York:…  
Source     Khanuja H, Vakil J, Goddard M, Mont M. Current Concepts Review: Cementless Femoral Fixation in Total Hip Arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011;93:500-9 …  
Media Library
LINK Kasuistik 01-2010 Case introduction by Dr. med. Peter Herrmann, Consultant in the Department of Septic Surgery, Osseous, Articular and Prosthesis Infections, Berufsgenossenschaftliche…  
C.F.P. II Hip System
Anatomically shaped stems require anatomically shaped instruments. The compressors of the C.F.P. II system strictly follow the anatomical stem design. Anatomical Compressor Design LINK HX…  
Hey, ich bin Moritz Peter, 24 Jahre alt und ich arbeite seit dem 01.12.2023 in der Beschriftung. Meine Aufgaben sind es die Rotationsknie-Montage sowie Lasergravur zu leiten. LINK arbeitet…  
TrabecuLink Augments
DOWNLOAD TrabecuLink Augments Surgical Technique MobileLink Acetabular Cup System with TrabecuLink Augments Source Data on File, Waldemar Link. Wang, Hong, et al. "A comparison…