At a glance
- High degree of joint stability and good kinematics
- High primary stability
- Natural joint reconstruction with physiological freedom of movement and functionality1, 2, 3
- Successful long-term clinical outcomes4
- 5 yrs 97.5%
- 10 yrs 95.5%
- Extended range of indications and comprehensive treatment options with intraoperative flexibility

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The GEMINI SL Total Knee System is part of the LINK SL Knee Family concept. SL stands for “System-integrated soLution”:
- Extended compatibility of all prosthesis components.
- Implant system for primary and revision knee surgery.

The GEMINI SL Total Knee System includes the following three configurations:
- Fixed Bearing CR (Cruciate Retaining).
- Fixed Bearing PS (Posterior Stabilized).
- Mobile Bearing.
Fixed Bearing CR
- Cruciate Retaining configuration for use with intact ligaments and capsule and adequate joint stability.
- Featuring extended trochlear groove.
- Same tibial component for Fixed Bearing CR and PS.

Fixed Bearing PS
- Posterior Stabilized configuration for use in the absence of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) function.
- Providing reduced risk of dislocation and reduced contact pressure in deep flexion2.
- Featuring bone-preserving design with size-specific intercondylar femoral box dimensions.

Mobile Bearing
- Rotating platform configuration for use with or without posterior cruciate ligament.
- Highly congruent articulating surfaces that allow large tibio-femoral contact area throughout the entire range of motion, even with absent posterior cruciate ligament 3.
- Unique tibial locking mechanism providing reduced risk of tibial insert dislocation and large contact area with tibial baseplate.

LINK PorEx Technology
- TiNbN = Titanium Niobium Nitride Surface Modification resulting in a ceramic-like surface, which significantly reduces cobalt, chromium and nickel ion release4.
- Extremely hard surface with abrasion properties similar to those of ceramics.
- Larger wetting angle of the surface gives it a low friction coe fficient when in contact with synovial fluid3.

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All productsSources
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