LINK Sled Prosthesis

Naturally shaped components

At a glance

  • SIMPLE implantation1, 3, 5
  • REPRODUCIBLE results1, 10, 1, 12
  • Long clinical experience1, 5, 10, 11

The LINK Unicondylar Sled Prosthesis was first implanted in 1969. It was last modified in 1981, and ever since the successful implant design has remained unchanged:

Naturally shaped components - Polycentric femur design permits anatomically adapted reconstruction:

  • Successful polycentric femur design10, 12
  • Bone-conserving design for future arthroplasties14

LINK PorEx Surface Modification

  • Significant reduction of plastic wear and release of metal ions1
  • Ceramic-like abrasion behavior1
  • Outstanding hardness1

Femoral components
The femoral components are available in four sizes:

  • Small (16 x 40 mm)
  • Medium-small (17 x 46 mm)
  • Medium (18 x 52 mm)
  • Large (20 x 60 mm)

In the event of a revision, explantation is easier than with undercut stem structures.14

Tibial plateaus
The symmetrical shape of the tibial plateaus allows them to be used both medially and laterally. The dimensioning is adapted to the shape of the tibial head anatomy.

All-poly design

This version is available in four heights: 7, 9, 11 and 13 mm, and four diameters: 45, 50, 55, and 58 mm.









Metal-backed design

This version is available in four heights: 8, 9, 11, and 13 mm and three diameters: 45, 50, and 55 mm.

Femoral resection

  • Maximum bone conservation and preservation of soft tissues2, 6, 14

"Round-on-Flat" Design.
This design allows excellent freedom of movement, leading to patient specific mobility.13:

  • Unrestricted kinematics3, 9, 13
  • Symmetrical design allows treatment of medial and also lateral gonarthrosis 2

Proven longevity

  • Outstanding clinical outcomes document the device’s reliability11,12
  • Extensive clinical experience12
  • Unchanged design for three decades
  • Excellent documented outcomes12


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  1. Ackroyd, C., 2003. Journal of Bone & Joint surgery BR - Medial compartment arthroplasty of the knee. Bristol: s.n.
  2. Ashraf, T., Newman, J., Evans, R. & Ackroyd, C., 2002. Journal of Bone & Joint surgery BR - Lateral unicompartmental knee replacement. s.l.:From Southmead Hospital, Bristol, England.
  3. Dreyer, P. D. J., Späh, D. H. & Teichner, D. A., 1984. Längerfristige Erfahrungen mit Schlittenendoprothesen St. Georg - Zeitschrift für Orthopädie. Bremen: s.n.
  4. Internal Technical Report, kein Datum Internal technical report: Study of the influence of TiNbN-coating on the ion release of CoCrMo-alloys in SBF buffer simulator testing. s.l.:s.n.
  5. Mackinnon, J., Young, S. & Baily , R., 1988. The St Georg sledge for unicompartmental replacement of the knee - Journal of Bone&Joint Surgery BR. Bristol: s.n.
  6. Müller, J., 2016. Link Schlittenprothese [Interview] (Juli 2016).
  7. Müller, J., 2018. Unicondylar Sleds - Indications & Overview, Suzhou, China: 2018 LINK SLED Summit Symposium.
  8. Newman, J. & et. al., 2009. Unicompartmental or total knee replacement. The 15-year results of a prospective randomised controlled trial - Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. s.l.:s.n.
  9. Nieder, E., 1991. Schlittenprothese, Rotationsknie und Scharnierprothese Modell St. Georg und Endo Modell. Orthopäde, pp. 170-180.
  10. Steele, R., Evans, R., Achroyd, C. & Newman, J., 2006. Survivorship of the St. Georg medial sled unicompartmental knee replacement beyond ten years. s.l.:s.n.
  11. Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register , 2012. Swedish Knee Arthoplasty Register - Annual Report 2012. [Online]
    Available at:
    [Accessed on March 26, 2020].
  12. Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register, 2015. Swedish knee arthroplasty register - Annual report 2015. [Online]
    Available at:
    [Accessed on July 4, 2018].
  13. Weale, A., Murray, D., Newman, J. & Ackroyd, C., 1999. Journal of bone & joint surgery BR - The length of the patellar tendon after unicompartmental and total knee replacement. Bristol: s.n.
  14. Wohlgemut, D. G., 2009. Die Funktion des Kniegelenks wiederherstellen - Minimalinvasiver Kniegelenkersatz [Interview] 2009.
  15. Gleeson, R.E., Evans, R., Ackroyd, C.E., Webb, J., Newman, J.H.: Fixed or Mobile Bearing Unicompartmental Knee Replacement? Comparative Cohort Study, The Knee 11 (2004) 379-384.
  16. Gleeson, The Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register, Validity and Outcome, Department of Orthopedics Lund University Hospital, SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden, 2011.